Friday, September 16, 2011

And its the weekend

H A P P Y  G O R G E O U S  F R I D A Y

I love this image- I think its the colours- all the neutrals, and then that it's just funny,
 and the girl leading the camel is laughing really hard- so it makes me happy.

Well, it's Friday- this week has flown for me- last Sunday I had the blues, and I felt like I was never going to manage the entire week, and here we are- its the weekend. Cape Town is sparkling today, the sky is pure blue and the air is clean from the week's rain- I started my morning with a Hot Chocolate from Vida and I am so looking so forward to a relaxing, quiet weekend that rejuvenates, so on my list there are only a few important items!

This weekend I want to
Watch the Springboks play Fiji
Go and see the flowers up the West Coast
Have a glass of bubbles with friends on Saturday afternoon
Watch a movie
Eat popcorn & eat sushi!
Attend a baby shower at 1682
sleep late, laugh lots and read!

Happy weekend


  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Enjoy
    Much love, Bailey from Vanilla Blonde

  2. Oh Happy Weekend! Loving your list for the weekend. Did flowers in Darling today and it was fab. You have me wanting sushi...right now! I am hankering after sushi at Sevruga's...

    Enjoy and have fun...



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